• Can Interpreters Have Tattoos?

    Can Interpreters Have Tattoos?

    Understanding Professionalism in Modern Interpretation In today’s diverse and evolving workplace, questions about appearance, particularly tattoos, often arise. As a leading Spanish interpreting agency, Toscano Interpretations LLC frequently addresses these inquiries to ensure both professionalism and inclusivity. One common question we encounter is: Can interpreters have tattoos? The Modern Perspective on Tattoos Over the years,…

  • Empowering Journeys: How CSULB Shaped My Career as an Interpreter

    Empowering Journeys: How CSULB Shaped My Career as an Interpreter

    Reflecting on my journey through California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the transformative impact it has had on my life. Beyond the classrooms and textbooks, CSULB has been a beacon of opportunity, guiding me towards a fulfilling career path as an interpreter. In this blog post, I want to…

  • 5 Behaviors Spanish Interpreters Need To Avoid During Sessions

    5 Behaviors Spanish Interpreters Need To Avoid During Sessions

    As an interpreter, maintaining professionalism and integrity is crucial for effective communication. Here are five behaviors that interpreters should avoid at work: Adding Personal Opinions Omitting Information OverStepping Boundaries Being Judgemental Lack of Confidentiality By avoiding these behaviors, interpreters can uphold professional standards and ensure effective communication between parties.

  • Medical Specialists and Doctors and The Difference Between | Medicos y Especialistas y La Diferencia entre Ambos

    Medical Specialists and Doctors and The Difference Between | Medicos y Especialistas y La Diferencia entre Ambos

    Ophthalmologist Vs. Optometrist Oftalmólogo vs. Optómetra Ophthalmologists: Medical doctors specialized in eye care, including surgical treatments. Optometrists: Vision care specialists focusing on sight correction and diagnosis of visual changes. Periodontist Vs. Endodontist Periodoncista vs. Endodoncista Periodontists: Focus on gum disease and perform procedures like dental implants. Endodontists: Treat diseases affecting the pulp and nerves within…

  • My Experience and Why I became A Spanish Interpreter

    My Experience and Why I became A Spanish Interpreter

    How I got Started as a Spanish Interpreter I never thought I would ever be a Spanish interpreter in my younger years. If I would have known this was a profession I would have started a long time ago like when I graduated from high school. I had to go through different stages of my…

  • Reasons Why It’s Important To Keep A Spanish Interpreter On Hand

    Reasons Why It’s Important To Keep A Spanish Interpreter On Hand

    Importance To Have A Spanish Interpreter 1. We need to ensure effective communication for patients and clients. 2. To preserve legal medical accuracy. 3. To protect their legal rights. 4. To facilitate informed consent in medical settings. 5. To promote cultural sensitivity. 6. To be in compliance with legal and ethical standards We Need To…

  • Translation For Welfare Assistance, WIC and Social Services

    Translation For Welfare Assistance, WIC and Social Services

    Spanish Interpreting For Non-English Spoken People At Toscano Interpretations, we help community-focused organizations by making communication easier. Our team of language experts provides crucial language services for groups like social services, WIC, and welfare assistance programs. Clear communication between these organizations and their clients is super important. Sometimes, people who need these services speak languages…

  • Traducciones Certificadas en Estados Unidos

    Traducciones Certificadas en Estados Unidos

    Las traducciones certificadas son un tipo especial de traducción utilizada en Estados Unidos para diversos propósitos legales. En este artículo, vamos a explorar qué son exactamente estas traducciones certificadas y su importancia en situaciones como inmigración, trámites legales y educación en otros países. ¿Qué es una traducción certificada? Una traducción certificada es una traducción que…

  • Spanish Translation vs Spanish Interpretation

    Spanish Translation vs Spanish Interpretation

    There exists a widespread misunderstanding regarding the roles of translators and interpreters, despite their notable differences. A fundamental distinction lies in their tasks: a translator works on translating written materials such as documents, transcripts, and books, while an interpreter conveys spoken messages into another language. Specifically, a Spanish interpreter can perform either simultaneous or consecutive…

  • Voices of Huntington Park: Embracing Linguistic Diversity

    Voices of Huntington Park: Embracing Linguistic Diversity

    Growing up in the vibrant city of Huntington Park, CA, was an adventure in cultural diversity. The streets echoed with a medley of languages, the air was filled with the scent of various cuisines, and the community was a vibrant tapestry of people from all walks of life. As a child navigating the busy streets…