Ophthalmologist Vs. Optometrist
Oftalmólogo vs. Optómetra
Ophthalmologists: Medical doctors specialized in eye care, including surgical treatments.
Optometrists: Vision care specialists focusing on sight correction and diagnosis of visual changes.
Periodontist Vs. Endodontist
Periodoncista vs. Endodoncista
Periodontists: Focus on gum disease and perform procedures like dental implants.
Endodontists: Treat diseases affecting the pulp and nerves within teeth.
Anesthetist Vs. Anesthesiologist
Anestesista vs. Anestesiólogo
Anesthetists: Nurses supervised by anesthesiologists, involved in administering anesthesia.
Anesthesiologists: Medical doctors specialized in anesthesia administration.
Phlebotomist Vs. Phlebologist
Flebotomista vs. Flebólogo
Phlebotomists: Trained to draw blood for lab work.
Phlebologists: Medical doctors specializing in vein diseases diagnosis and treatment.
Psychologist Vs. Psychiatrist
Psicólogo vs. Psiquiatra
Psychologists: Hold doctoral degrees in psychology and offer counseling or therapy.
Psychiatrists: Medical doctors specialized in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses, including prescription of medications.
Radiologist Vs. Radiographer
Radiólogo vs. Radiógrafo
Radiologists: Fully qualified physicians interpreting radiographic images.
Radiographers: Technicians working with diagnostic technologies.
Pharmacist Vs. Pharmacologist
Farmacéutico vs. Farmacólogo
Pharmacists: Dispense medications and offer patient consultation.
Pharmacologists: Scientists specializing in researching medication effects and development.